Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top Ten Reasons to Be Nude

                             Top Ten Reasons To Be Nude

    1.     Less Clothes : using less water for washing, cuts down on energy and water waste                    Performing dirty house hold work, lessens pants and shirts from getting stained up and dirty from the  house     chores                                                                                                                                               Cooking while naked can be an easily and a  safe task, no sheaves to fall down and no pants or dresses getting in the way of an oven door

     2.   Less Heat stress on the Functional Eternal Skin

Skin is made up of three layers. The outermost epidermis is bonded to a deeper skin layer below known as the dermis, it is the epidermis.

      The Skin  acts as a waterproof, insulating shield, guarding the body against extremes of temperature, damaging sunlight, and harmful chemicals. It provides, antibacterial substances that  help prevent infection and manufactures vitamin D for converting calcium into healthy bones. Skin additionally is a huge sensor packed with nerves for keeping the brain in touch with the outside world. Our  skin allows us free movement, proving itself an amazingly versatile .Both in strength and elasticity.

.The  blood vessels here help regulate body temperature by increasing blood flow to the skin to allow heat to escape, or by restricting the flow when it's cold. The nerve fibers and receptors pick up feelings such as touch, temperature, and pain, relaying them to the brain.
The dermis houses hair follicles and glands with ducts that pass up through the skin. Sweat glands bring down internal temperature through perspiration while ridding the body of the waste fluids urea and lactate. The Apocrine glands, which develop during puberty, produce a scented sweat linked to sexual attraction ( pheromones)  .Thus causing  body odor, especially around the armpits. The  Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum lubricating our hair and skin.

 The  skin's base layer is the subcutis,, This is fat is a fuel reserve in case of food shortage. It also operates  as insulation and cushions us from knocks and falls.
The Skin Color due to melanin, a pigment produced in the epidermis to protect us from the sun's potentially ultraviolet (UV) rays. Dark-skinned people produce more numerous and deeper-colored melanin particles
Our Skin is our largest organ—Adults - 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) and 22 square feet (2 square meters) of it. This fleshy layer called; skin ,it keeps from drying out.It's our External Organ.

3. The bare Flesh allowsAggregation and Sex Pheromones, become airborne.That other wise, be trapped into clothes  and not  released into air. 
These pheromones can signal : Aggregation-Mate section ,Signaling ,feeding
                                                            Sex - attraction, lure , hormones, natural section
                                                            PreOvulation  Primer -before release of eggs ( organism)Then steroids  are  release into her  blood steam .This in turns, the males olfactory system on and stimulates his  libido.
                                                            PostOvulatory  Releaser - The menstrual  Cycle-This stimulates female hormones and libido. This, in turns on sexual behavioral ,, olfactory senses and stimulates increase sensitivity .Thus in both sexes.
( Note : These statements above, in section 3. are  based on fact. Though are based on mammal and human biology.Since we are both in the animal kingdom. )

4. Family Nudity - 
   There's less confusion  as to what is right or wrong , as regards to as open nudity within a household.

  •       More understanding as to the human body looks,feels, responds and smells.
  •       The bare family can express , mutual  platonic love with an impact of true human emotional  responsive sensibility
  • Less or no response to shame towards males or females of all ages
  • The bare family can express true human sexuality , and express it in a healthy manner(i.e. Human Sexuality ,does not imply nudity)                                                                     
  5.  Psychological Development-Nudity Helps deal with the outlook of the body,as oppose to sex,Which is just  a release of tension.Thus Nudity helps CNS(the brain) , with positive emotions and different expression  of  Human Sexuality.
        Males of  all ages , Can  express love, feelings and  sensations,   towards females, without being involved  in sex
        Males of all ages,   Can respect  Woman and Girls, as to regards to their body's, emotional needs, and on going Sexual expressions
         Females of ages ,Can  express love, maternal love,and  caring , towards males without the need of sexual expression ,through sex
         Females of ages, Can  respect Man and Boys, as to regards to their body's, instinct to lead,defend, emotions of power and strength, and fatherly love      

6 .Physical Strength and Well being-
       Heart- movement of the heart 
Cardiovascular systems- need  circulation, move blood , fluids and oxygen throughout the body
      Central  nervous system  - Helps with release of biological chemicals; these are  neurotransmitters,                      or called Hormones.

  • Dopamine: regulates physical movement and emotion
  • Serotonin: affects mood and anxiety
  • Acetylcoline (Ach): controls attention, memory, and learning
  • Noradrenaline: produces physical and mental arousal and elevated mood
  • Glutamate: forms links between neurons that control learning and long-term memory
  • Endorphins: ease pain, reduce stress, and promote tranquility                                                                                                     
      Endocrine system -Helps release and create , these biological chemicals;
    • Glucocorticoids; cortisol is the major representative in most mammals
    • Mineralocorticoids; aldosterone being most prominent
    • Androgens such as testosterone
    • Estrogens, including estrodiol and estrone
    • Progestogens (also known a progestins) such as progesterone
    7.    Vitamin D- A hormone  involved in mineral metabolism and bone growth.It helps absorbed phosphate and magnesium . It has dramatic effect is to facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium A  constant .exposure to sunlight or consumption of food purposefully supplemented with vitamin D. Thus needed , necessary to prevent deficiencies.within our body's.
    8.  Skin that is bare, limits bad bacteria growth-

    Yeast infection(Candida albicans) -Males or Females

        It affects the genital regions of men and females.Thus causing itching , irritation  and rash. 
    Jock Itch -(tinea and ringworm)  Males or Females
        It affects  the genital areas of men and women.Thus a rash ,bumps and itching can occur.
      Both condition's ,come from wearing clothes around the genital area .In which there is a lot of heat and moisture .

    9. No Shame-
        The skin is flesh , A proud display of the human form; in its many forms:
         Life Stages:

             "  No Shame- that we are Male or Females   and  No concern with genitals, and how they are" 

          '' Inner labia  or  labia Majora,or  the size of breasts,for Females and for the males; Penis           size, or how it looks''


    10. Social Status- 
          No Clothes to whom to tell what class you in(i.e working,Middle, High Classes)
          No Clothes to Prove who and what you stand for;( i.e.  presenting an image or brand to sell) 
          No Clothes to dictate where we are sexually  (i.e freedom of sexual  expression) 

